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Provision VC Image

Creates a vCenter image.



VC Server

Specifies the name of the VC center.

VC Datacenter Name

Specifies the name of the data center where this host is located.

Example: “DC Datacenter”

VC Compute Resource

Specifies the fully qualified name of the server where this compute resource is located.

Example: “”

VC ESX Server

Specifies the fully qualified name of the server where the ESX server is installed.

Example: “”

VC Datastore

Specifies the data store name that corresponds to the data center.

Example: "storage1 (2)"

VC Target Location

Specifies the resource pool name to use.

Example: “Resources/DcrmPool_test”

Clone Name

Specifies the name of the new machine to provision.

Example: “LocalhostTest”

Clone VM User Name

Specifies the name of the new machine to provision.

Example: "LocalhostTest"

Clone VM Username Password

Specifies the corresponding password.

VC Virtual Machine

Specifies a VM machine to use instead of a template for provisioning.

VC Template Name

Specifies the template to use for provisioning.

Example: “DCRMFolder/Base”

VC Specification

Specifies a valid specification name for the template to use. Consult the VC server or CA Server Automation for valid values.

Scalability Server

(Optional) Specifies the fully qualified name of the scalability server.

Example: ""

Auto Deploy Agents

(Optional) Indicates whether to deploy agents after provisioning.

Example: “No”