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AlmostGoldBlackAndWhite Process

CA Server Automation Connectors Called


This use case determines if a particular server contains all required components and has no invalid applications.

For this use case, you must create the following files:



# Black-list Components (BL)


# These components MUST exist on the target server

# and are version-specific

# CC -- represents the core components

# component name

# version number



CC:Java Web Application:2.4

CC:Java Web Application:2.4

CC:Java Web Application:2.3



# Black-list Components (BL)


# These components MUST exist on the target server

# and are version-specific

# BL -- represents the black list components

# component name

# version number


BL:VMware Server:2.*

#BL:CA Threat Manager:*.*


BL:JRE 1.2 or 1.3 (Windows):1.3.1_02
