Adds a new personality.
Specifies the target server where the software package is delivered.
Example: “”
Specifies the name of the package as it appears in the CA Server Automation UI. Use this name without the version number.
Example: “CCA Agent Solaris”
Specifies the version for the software package.
Example: “r5.0”
Specifies the procedure that the connector performs.
Example: “Install”
Specifies the type of procedure that the connector performs.
Example: “INSTALL”
Specifies a user with administrator privileges for the target server.
Example: “root” or “Administrator”
Specifies the password for the user.
Example: “rootpassword” or “Adminpassword”
Specifies the operating system installed in the target server.
Example: “Solaris”
(Optional) Specifies the scalability server related to the software delivery server.
Example: “”
Specifies the CA ITCM server to use.
Example: ""
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