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CA IBM pSeries Logical Partition Performance Metrics

The following list provides the descriptions of the IBM pSeries Logical Partition performance metrics.

CPU Usage (Percent)

The percentage of CPU usage of the logical partition (requires CA Server Automation agent installed on the LPAR).

Memory Usage (Percent)

The percentage of memory (RAM) usage of the logical partition (requires CA Server Automation agent installed on the LPAR).

One Minute Load Average

The one-minute load average of the logical partition (requires CA Server Automation agent installed on the LPAR).

Five Minute Load Average

The five-minute load average of the logical partition (requires CA Server Automation agent installed on the LPAR).

Fifteen Minute Load Average

The 15-minute load average of the logical partition (requires CA Server Automation agent installed on the LPAR).

CPU Allocation

The number of physical CPUs that are assigned to the logical partition.

Memory Allocation

The number of logical memory blocks (LMBs) that are assigned to the logical partition.

Unavailable Partitions

This partition is not properly configured to provide information to the sponsor (for example, broken or failed devices), but the sponsor is aware of its existence. If a partition is shown and you want performance information, you must have CA Server Automation agent installed on this LPAR. The managed node is shown as an instance of this metric.

Entitlement Capacity (Percent)

The capacity of the logical partition in a percentage with respect to the physical processors consumed.

Physical Busy

Represents processor busy state as a calculation of entitlement capacity percentage times the set desired CPU entitlement.

Physical Processor Consumed

The number of processor units that the logical partitions has consumed.