Previous Topic: Error Codes

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Error Codes Overview

This page defines error codes that you may encounter while using SRM. The errors display in the Error Code column on the Test Monitor and Test Profile Monitor pages. Additional information about some of the tests displays in the Results Field column. (To display the Error Code and Results Field columns, click Show Column Config on the Test Monitor page, select Error Code and Results Field, and then click Update Page.)

Windows Systems

On Windows systems, SRM logs errors in the following locations:

Note: The drive and installation directory depend on the directory in which SRM is installed.

UNIX Systems

On UNIX systems, SRM logs errors in the following locations:

jcollector.log file

All test-specific error codes are recorded in the jcollector.log file.

To set the debugging level in this file

  1. Stop SystemEDGE.
  2. Open the file for editing.
  3. Uncomment (remove the pound sign (#) in front of) the #collector_debug line, and set the loglevel directive as follows:

Note: Use the [#] to locate the portion of debug log that corresponds to the failing test. 

CA-specific error codes generally take precedence over the standard numeric codes for the service because the CA-specific codes generally indicate an error in the program. For example, if the HTTP test starts downloading a page, returns a 404 error, and then encounters a file I/O error before the transaction is over, the Error Code field in the SRM table is set to 58 (I/O error during transaction), rather than 404.

Error Code Descriptions

SRM generates the following types of error codes: