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AutoShell Functions

This section details the AutoShell core functions. Functions define a set of processing instructions that receive a number of zero or more arguments and return no or exactly one value. Function arguments are passed in parenthesis and must comply with JavaScript language syntax. Literal strings must be placed in quotes and special characters inside the string like backslashes must be escaped.


// Concatenate s n times
function repeat(s,n)
    var i;
    var ret="";
    for(i=0; i < n; i++)
        ret += s;
? repeat("*", 10);
? repeat("\\", 25);

More Information

base64Decode--Decode a base64 Encoded String (Function)

base64Encode--Perform a base64 Encoding of a String (Function)

curDir--Retrieves the Current Directory (Function)

gete--Get Environment Variable (Function)

memoRead--Read a Text File Into a String (Function)

memoWrit--Write a String to a File (Function)

platform--Query Operating System Type (Function)

pute--Set an Environment Variable (Function)

qout--Write Output Followed by Linefeed to stdout (Function)

qqout--Write Output to stdout (Function)

regCreateKey--Create a Registry Key (Function)

regCreateSubkeys--Create Subkeys From an Array (Function)

regDeleteKey--Delete a Registry Key or a Key Hierarchy (Function)

regDeleteVal--Delete a Registry Value (Function)

regGetKeyValues--Get Registry Key Value Information (Function)

regGetSubKey--Retrieve Sub Keys of a Registry Key (Function)

regGetVal--Get Registry Value (Function)

regIsKey--Check the Existence of a Registry Key (Function)

regIsVal--Check the Existence of a Registry Value (Function)

regSetKeyValues--Set Registry Key Values From an Array (Function)

regSetVal--Set Registry Value (Function)

setProcExitCode--Set AutoShell Exit Code (Function)

shellType--Query AutoShell Type (Function)

typeName--Get the Type Name of an Expression (Function)