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get-autoShellClassInfo Command--Display Methods and Properties for Autoshell Native Classes (Cmdlet)

This command (cmdlet) displays methods and properties for AutoShell native classes. AutoShell defines a number of classes extending the standard Spidermonkey/JavaScript scripting environment. Product-specific AutoShell loadable modules (ALMs) can register additional classes. These classes contain type information for their constructors, methods, variables and enumerations. This information can be displayed using the get-autoShellClassInfo cmdlet.

Note: This information is not identical to the help information. AutoShell generates the information solely based on internal class definitions.

The command has the following syntax:

get-autoShellClassInfo class [-super]

Specifies the AutoShell class for which to display information. Unquoted argument tokens are automatically stringified. Prevent automatic quoting for expressions by placing expression code in parenthesis. An object name can be passed instead of a class name. In this case, the get-autoShellClassInfo command retrieves the class name from the objects and attempts to query the class information. To prevent stringification, the object expression must be passed in parenthesis.


Display details of RemoteTarget class:

get-autoShellClassInfo RemoteTarget

Display details of OSRedirect class from an object:

os = new OSRedirect();
get-autoShellClassInfo (os)

See also:

help Command--Request Help Information (Cmdlet)

get-help Command--Get Help Information (Funclet)