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RemoteTarget Class

RemoteTarget is a utility class that is used with the run-remote command in remote script execution. RemoteTarget specifies details of the target system, like host name and address, credentials to use for authentication, or retrieves status and result information, like error condition, output, and final result.


RemoteTarget(host [,user] [,pass] [,key] [,phrase] [, port])


void abort()

int createRemoteContext()

int destroyRemoteContext()

bool errorOccurred()

bool execute(strScript)

int getError()

string getHostName()

bool hasCompleted()

string output()

string result()

bool wasAborted()

Event Handlers

int onError(e)

int receivedOutput(s)

int receivedResult(s)


static readonly REM_ERR_NONE

static readonly REM_ERR_CON

static readonly REM_ERR_AUTH

static readonly REM_ERR_CHN

static readonly REM_ERR_READ

static readonly REM_ERR_EXEC

static readonly REM_ERR_ABORT

static readonly REM_ERR_DISC

See also:

RemoteTarget.RemoteTarget Constructor

RemoteTarget.abort Method

RemoteTarget.createRemoteContext Method

RemoteTarget.destroyRemoteContext Method

RemoteTarget.errorOccurred Method

RemoteTarget.execute Method

RemoteTarget.getError Method

RemoteTarget.getHostName Method

RemoteTarget.hasCompleted Method

RemoteTarget.onError Method

RemoteTarget.output Method

RemoteTarget.receivedOutput Method

RemoteTarget.receivedResult Method

RemoteTarget.result Method

RemoteTarget.wasAborted Method

run-remote Command--Execute a Script on Remote Systems (Funclet)