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dpmvc-setresources Command--Set VM Resources (Funclet)

The dpmvc-setresources command lets you adjust CPU or memory share limits or reservations.

This command has the following format:

-resource {setcpulimit|setcpureserv|setmemlimit|setmemresrv}
-value value 
{-datacenter_name datacentername | -vc vcenterservername}
-vm_name vmname 

Defines the limit for the number of shares of CPU for the VM.


Defines the number of shares of CPU reserved for the VM.


Defines the limit for the number of shares of memory for the VM.


Defines the number of shares of memory reserved for the VM.

-datacenter_name datacentername

Specifies the data center where the VM is located.

-vc vcenterservername

Specifies the vCenter Server where the VM is located.

-vm_name vmname

Specifies the VM.

-value value

Specifies the value for the resource parameter.

Example: Set Resource CPU Limit to 1000 Shares in a Single vCenter Server Environment

This example adjusts the CPU share limit for the virtual machine "MyVM1" to 1000.

dpmvc-setresources -resource setcpulimit -value 1000 -vm_name MyVM1 -datacenter_name VAS/MyCity