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dpmvc-migrate Command--Migrate a VM (Funclet)

The dpmvc-migrate command migrates a VM from one host server to another host server.

This command has the following format:

{-datacenter_name datacentername | -vc vcenterservername}
-vm_name vm 
-migrate_to_target_host name 
-migrate_to_target_resource_pool_name name 
-migrate_to_compute_resource_name name 
-datacenter_name datacentername

Specifies the data center where the VM is located.

-vc vcenterservername

Specifies the vCenter Server where the VM is located.

-vm_name vmname

Specifies the VM.

-migrate_to_target_host name

Specifies the name of the host to which you are migrating the VM.

-migrate_to_target_resource_pool_name name

Specifies the target resource pool.

-migrate_to_compute_resource_name name

Specifies the name of the cluster or VMware ESX host to which you are migrating the VM.

Example: Migrate a VM

This example migrates the VM, "MyVM1", from the data center VPM/MyCity to ServerC-dcavc.

dpmvc-migrate -vm_name MyVM1 -datacenter_name VAS/MyCity 
-migrate_to_compute_resource_name VASCluster/ClusterA 
-migrate_to_target_resource_pool_name Resources/VASTest 