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CA VMware vCenter Server CLI Commands

You can use the CLI to script and automate CA VMware vCenter Server commands and run actions based on the command results. Corresponding commands are also available in the AutoShell.

More Information

dpmvc addesxhost Command--Add an ESX Host

dpmvc addvmvnic Command--Add Virtual NIC

dpmvc addvmvdisk Command--Add Virtual Disk

dpmvc clone Command--Clone a VM

dpmvc createdatastore Command--Create a Datastore

dpmvc cycle Command--Cycle a VM

dpmvc datastore Command--Get Data Store Properties

dpmvc delete Command--Destroy a VM

dpmvc distributedswitch Command--Manage Virtual Distributed Switches

dpmvc entermaintenancemode Command--Set to the Maintenance Mode

dpmvc exitmaintenancemode Command--Exit the Maintenance Mode

dpmvc faulttolerance Command--Specify Fault Tolerant Operations

dpmvc getavailablescsidisks Command--Get Available SCSI Disks

dpmvc gethosthba Command--Get Host Bus Adapters

dpmvc getresources Command--Get VM Resources

dpmvc getshares Command--Get VM Shares

dpmvc getsnapshots Command--Get VM Snapshots

dpmvc imgjobcheck Command--Get Clone Job Status

dpmvc migrate Command--Migrate a VM

dpmvc removedatastore Command--Remove a Datastore

dpmvc removevmvdisk Command--Remove Virtual Disk

dpmvc removevmvnic Command--Remove Virtual NIC

dpmvc setmemory Command-- Set memory size for a VM

dpmvc setcpu Command-- Set CPUs for a VM

dpmvc setresources Command--Set VM Resources

dpmvc setshares Command--Set VM Shares

dpmvc snapshot Command--Manage Snapshots

dpmvc templatetovm Command--Convert Template to VM

dpmvc virtualswitch Command--Manage Virtual Switches

dpmvc vmtotemplate Command--Convert VM to Template