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dpmzone-createzone Command--Create a Zone (Funclet)

The dpmzone-createzone command creates a zone with custom parameters on the Solaris 10 host.

This command has the following format:

-host hostname 
-name zonename 
-path zonepath 
-type type 
[-if_type name] 
[-ip ip] 
[-pool_name pool] 
[-sched_type sched] 
[-phy_mem pmem] 
[-swap_mem smem] 
[-lock_mem lmem] 
[-desc desc]
-host hostname

Specifies the Solaris Zones server. This parameter is case-sensitive.

-name zonename

Defines the name of the new zone.

-path zonepath

Defines the pathname from the global zone to the current zone.

-type type

Specifies the type of the new zone. Options include the following:


Creates a non-global zone with a Solaris 10 operating environment for running applications.


Creates a whole root zone that does not inherit packages.


Creates a non-global zone that contains a non-native operating environment for running applications.

Default: native


Specifies that a zone boots automatically at system boot.

Note: If the zones service is disabled on the server, the zone does not autoboot, regardless of the setting of this property. You can enable the service by using the following command:

svcadm enable svc:/system/zones:default
-if_type name

Specifies the network interface used by the zone, for example, eri0.

-ip ip

(Optional) Defines the IP address of the zone.

-pool_name pool

Specifies the pool with which you associate the zone.

-sched_type shed

Specifies the type of scheduler used to allocate CPU time based on shares. Shares are the portion of the system CPU resources allocated to a project. Options include the following:


Specifies the Time Share Scheduler which fairly allots CPU resources to every process and does not concentrate CPU resources on a particular process. ts is the default scheduler for the Solaris operating environment.


Specifies the Fair Share Scheduler which allows you to allocate CPU time based on shares.

-phy_mem pmem

Defines the physical memory that is assigned to the zone. A scale (K, M, G, T) can be applied to the value of this number, for example, 1M is one megabyte.

-swap_mem smem

Defines the swap memory that is assigned to the zone.

-lock_mem lmem

Defines the locked memory that is assigned to the zone. Locked memory cannot be paged.

-desc description

(Optional) Defines a description of the zone.


Create a zone called WebServer4:

dpmzone-createzone -host MySolarisServer -name WebServer4 -path /Zones/Apache 
-type native -autoboot -if_type eri0 -ip -pool_name WebServer 
-sched_type fss -phy_mem 1024M -swap_mem 2048M