Specifies the name of the configured UCS manager. This is also the target UCS manager.
Example: "lodcisco2-mc2.ca.com"
Specifies the UCS policy that you need to perform the operation
Example: "lsbootPolicyHier"
Specifies the operation, as in: create (1), update (2), delete (3).
Example: ”1”
Comment field.
Specifies the fully qualified path of the intended object.
Example: org-root/nwctrl-demopolicy
Boot policy name.
Example: "ForTemplate"
Currently support only for "operational".
Example: "operational"
Specify if it will be reboot upon changes detected. Values: "yes", "no".
Example: "no"
One of the following values: "read-write", "read-only".
Example: "read-write"
One of the following values: 1, 2, 3, 4.
Example: "2"
Example: "storage"
Example: "storage"
Example: "vhba1"
: The relative name uniquely identifies an object within a given context.
Example: "san--primary"
One of the following values: "read-write", "read-only".
Example: "read-write"
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