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Setting the Bind Address

Consider the following cases when you set the bind address for SystemEDGE:

Policy Configuration requires the bind address to be set within the policy. If a bind address is set prior to the agent being managed/pushing up its configuration, the bind address is pulled from the original configuration and automatically included in the delivered configuration. There are a few ways how this process can be achieved.

The following terminology is used throughout these use cases:

Static file

Identifies the file laid down by the installer, and is located in the Installed_Dir\SystemEDGE\config directory.


Windows: C:\Program Files\CA\SystemEDGE\config

UNIX/Linux: /opt/CA/SystemEDGE/config

Dynamic file

Identifies the ongoing SystemEDGE configuration file, and is located under the Data_Dir\port<number> directory.


Windows: C:\Users\Public\CA\SystemEDGE\port161

UNIX/Linux: /opt/CA/SystemEDGE/config/port161

Option 1: Setting Bind Address prior to installing and starting the agent

If the agent is yet to be installed, the bind address can be set as follows:

  1. Install the agent in unmanaged mode (do not specify a manager name).
  2. Clear the ‘Start After Install’ option so the agent is not started.
  3. Once installed, edit the static file, and set the bind_address and manager_name.
  4. Start the agent through the normal mechanism.

Option 2: Setting Bind Address on a running system, prior to it being managed

If SystemEDGE has been installed in unmanaged mode, the bind address can be set as follows:

  1. Stop SystemEDGE, using the normal mechanism.
  2. Edit the dynamic file and set the bind_address1.
  3. Edit the static file and set the manager_name as required.
  4. Start SystemEDGE, using the normal mechanism.

An alternative here is to delete the dynamic file, and set the bind_address in the static file instead.

Option 3: Setting Bind Address on an existing managed system

If SystemEDGE is already managed by Policy Configuration, set the bind address as follows:

  1. Stop SystemEDGE, using the normal mechanism.
  2. Delete the dynamic file.
  3. Delete the file located in the same directory as the dynamic file (this causes the agent to push up its configuration again).
  4. Edit the static file and set bind_address as required.
  5. Start SystemEDGE, using the normal mechanism.