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Starts an LPAR partition.



HMC Server Name

Specifies the IBM Hardware Management Console name.

Example: "hostnamea"

Managed System Name

Specifies the IBM LPAR management system name.

Example: ""

LPAR Partition Name

Specifies the name of the LPAR partition.

Example: "lpar_a"

LPAR Activation Override Key

Specifies the type of manual activation overrides available for the LPAR. Available values are:

1 – normal – After power-on, the system operates in normal (unattended) mode

2 – manual – After power-on, the system operates in manual (attended) mode using the control panel to direct the system

3 – donotoverride – Use the current partition settings

Example: "1"

LPAR Activation Boot Mode

Specifies the type of boot the LPAR performs. Available options are:

1 – normal

1 – open_firmware

Example: "1"

LPAR Profile

(Optional) Specifies the profile to use for the LPAR partition.

Example: "Default"