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ism-applyPolicyForService Command--Apply a Policy to all Systems (Funclet)

The ism-applyPolicyForService command applies a policy to all computer systems in a managed service.

This command has the following format:

-policyName policy_name 
-policyType policy_type 
-serviceName service_name
-templateName templateName
-templateOs templateOs
-policyName policy_name

Specifies the policy name to apply.

Default: Null

-policyType policy_type

Specifies the policy type.

-serviceName service_name

Specifies the name of the managed service.

Note: In the service name, use double backslash as a delimiter. Using single backslash as a delimiter is interpreted as an escape sequence. For example, specify service name as “Enterprise\\Data Center\\servicename”, instead of “Enterprise\Data Center\servicename”.

-templateName templateName

Specifies the name of the template.

-templateOs templateOs

Specifies the policy template operating system.

Example: Apply a Policy to all Systems

This example applies the policy, SystemEDGE to the managed service, CA Virtual Assurance.

ism-applyPolicyForService -policyName policy5 -policyType SystemEDGE -serviceName "Enterprise\\Data Center\\CA Virtual Assurance Services" -templateName template2 -templateOs windows