Previous Topic: Functional Characteristics

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The following list provides an overview about the functional characteristics of SRM.

State management

SRM fully supports the state object model of SystemEDGE. You can configure thresholds and severity for associated metrics in the configuration file.

File-based configuration, Policy configuration

You can configure SRM through Policy Configuration in CA Server Automation. The Policy Configuration is file-based and provides the following warm start features:

Note: See the CA Server Automation Online Help for details on how to perform Policy Configuration.

Remote deployment

All required componts to run SRM (SRM AIM, Advanced Encryption, SystemEDGE) can remotely be deployed and installed from the CA Server Automation manager. See also Appendix Installation.

Legacy compatibility

SRM accepts and collects all data metrics gathered by SRM Version 2.0 or 2.1 release. SRM can use the configuration files of version 2.x. See also Appendix Installation in this guide.

Log file customization

SRM lets you configure the name, size, and number of log files.

Named tests

SRM supports tests configured with a test name that can be used for identification.

Performance optimization

Performance metrics supply real-time performance information about the functionality of the SRM AIM. You can monitor the health of the SRM AIM, either manually or through SystemEDGE. You can tune the configuration information to get the best response from SRM.

Run once

SRM supports that a test can run on request only, not through the poll interval scheduler.

SNMP-based configuration

SRM supports IPv6 and SNMPv3 within its tests.