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svcwatch setstatus Command--Change the Status of a Test

The svcwatch setstatus command changes the status of a test on the specified host.

This command has the following format:

svcwatch [options] -o setstatus index status

The setstatus command uses the following parameters:


Specifies the possible options for this command.

-h hostname | -h ipAddr

(Optional) Specifies the SystemEDGE host.

Default: localhost

-p port

(Optional) Specifies the SystemEDGE SNMP port.

Default: 161

-c community

(Optional) Specifies the SNMP community string for SNMP version 1 and 2c.

Default: public

-v snmpVersion

(Optional) Specifies the SNMP version. Possible values are:

  • 1
  • 2c
  • 3

Default: 1

-u secName

(Optional) Specifies the name of the SNMPv3 secure user.

-u secLevel

(Optional) Specifies the level of security for SNMPv3. Possible values are:

  • 1 – noAuthNoPriv
  • 2 – AuthNoPriv
  • 3 – AuthPriv
-n contextName

(Optional) Specifies the instance name for a MIBMuxed agent.

-a authPassword

(Optional) Identifies the authentication password required when SNMPv3 is selected with security AuthNoPriv or AuthPriv.

-A authProtocol

(Optional) Specifies the authentication protocol. Possible values are:

  • MD5 – authentication protocol HMAC-MD5
  • SHA – authentication protocol HMAC-SHA

Default: MD5

-x privPassword

(Optional) Specifies the privacy (encryption) password for SNMPv3 with security level 3 (AuthPriv).

-X encryptProtocol

(Optional) Specifies the use of encryption protocol for privacy. Possible values are:

  • DES – Data Encryption Standard
  • AES – Advanced Encryption Standard using cryptographic keys of 128 bits (AES128)
  • 3DES – Triple Data Encryption Standard
-m FIPSmode

(Optional) Specifies the FIPS mode. Possible values are:

  • 0 – non-FIPS
  • 1 – FIPS coexistence
  • 2 – FIPS only

Default: 0

-t timeout

(Optional) Specifies the SNMP command timeout.

Default: 10 seconds

-d logLevel

(Optional) Specifies the log level for SNMP messages. Possible values are:

  • 0 – log fatal messages
  • 1 – log critical messages
  • 2 – log warning messages
  • 3 – log information messages
  • 4 – log all messages
  • 5 – log all messages including debugging messages

Default: 0

-f logFile

(Optional) Specifies the name of the logfile.

Default: sysedge_utility.log


(Optional) Detects the current locale of the console and language catalog if available. If a language catalog is not found, the utility falls back to English as a default language.

-o setstatus index status

Specifies the new status of a test.


Specifies the svcRspTable index used as an identifier of the test.

Note: You overwrite an existing test with a new test, when you use the add command with the index of that test.


Specifies the status. Possible values are:

active (1),

notInService (2),

notReady (3),

createAndGo (4),

createAndWait (5),

destroy (6)


Change the status of a test:

svcwatch -p 161 -c admin -o setstatus 1360739 2