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rmonwatch getVersion Command--View Version Information

Use the getVersion command to view the value of the rmonWbemVersion MIB variable.

The getVersion command uses the following syntax:

rmonwatch [options] getVersion

rmonwatch uses the following options:


Displays the program version number and exits.


Displays the rmonwatch help

-h hostname | -h ipAddr

(Optional) Specifies the CA SystemEDGE host running the RM AIM.

Default: localhost

-p port

(Optional) Specifies the CA SystemEDGE SNMP port.

Default: 161

-c community

(Optional) Specifies the SNMP read/write community string for SNMP version 1 and 2c.

Default: public

Example: Results returned for the getVersion command

RMONWBEM AIM Watch Program, version 1.0.0
E:\sysedge\bin\snmpget -h localhost -p 161 -v 1 -c public -m 0 -t 5 -r 3 -o SysEDGE RMONWBEM AIM, VERSION:1.0.0 BUILD:10137 REQUIRES:5.0.0