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Global Parameters Block

The global parameters block in the configuration file provides the following parameters:


Specifies the global section in the configuration file.

loglevel={-1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | ... | 7}

Specifies the log level for the SRM AIM.

-1: Logs no messages

0: Logs fatal level messages

1: Logs also critical level messages

2: Logs also warning level messages

3: Logs also information level messages

4: Logs also debug level messages

5: Logs also debug1 level messages

6: Logs also debug2 level messages

7: Logs also debug3 level messages

Default: 2


Specifies the log file name in the svcrsp data path.

Default: jcollector


Specifies the number of the log files. For a log file number equal to 1 (default), the log file name is jcollector.log. For a log file number greater than 1, the log files are: jcollector0.log, jcollector1.log, and so on.

Default: 1


Specifies the maximum size of the log file (in kilobytes). A value of 0 specifies an unlimited size.

Default: 1024


Specifies the maximum number of threads that Jcollector uses to perform tests (one test per thread).

Default: 10


Specifies the location of the java executable relative to the SystemEDGE installation directory.

Default: ./jre/bin/java


Specifies extra classes to load. If a classpath is set, this parameter overrides the CLASSPATH environment variable.

Default: ""


SystemEDGE does not start Jcollector. To enable this parameter, remove the comment sign (#).

Important! Use no_collector for debugging purposes only. The parameter effectively disables the SRM execution.

Default: disabled


Allows execution of external scripts. To enable this parameter, remove the comment sign (#).

Default: disabled


Allows execution of file IO tests. To enable this parameter, remove the comment sign (#).

Default: disabled


Allows SSL tests to work with sites that do not have trusted SSL certificates. To enable this parameter, remove the comment sign (#).

Default: disabled


Prevents JRE from caching DNS names. To enable this parameter, remove the comment sign (#).

Default: disabled


Allows SRM to provide the password in clear text via SNMP get requests. To enable this parameter, remove the comment sign (#).

Default: disabled


Prevents the svcRspSecurityFlags OID from revealing security settings. To enable this parameter, remove the comment sign (#).

Default: disabled

preferIPV6_NoTOS (for HP-UX Java only)

The socket.setTrafficClass() is not supported when utilizing the IPV6 stack. Hence, the IPV4 stack is used to retain standard TOS functionality per default. To enable the IPV6 stack (and thereby disable TOS functionality from all tests), uncomment the parameter.

Note: For all other platforms, this line should remain commented out.

Default: disabled


Specifies the shared memory access key.

Important! Do not use this parameter unless there is a conflict with an existing installed program.

Default: 3131

reserved_range start_index end_index

Specifies a reserved range of test indexes.

Default: None


  #javabin=<Java executable path>
  #reserved_range <start_index> <end_index>