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Post-Installation Configuration for Web Server

Configure the Startup Page

After installing the agent on web server, configure the startup page.

Follow these steps:

  1. Locate the folder that is appropriate for the web server you are using, from the following list:
  2. Copy the entire contents of the directory to a new folder named "SiebelConnector" within the web server’s document root directory, for example:
    C:\Inetpub\WWWRoot (for Microsoft IIS)
  3. For the Apache-based web server, do the following:
    1. Give Execute permissions to the perl (.pl) files in the SiebelConnector folder.
    2. Define the ExecCGI option for the SiebelConnector folder. Specify the cgi handler for the .pl files. The following sample configuration might help in defining in the httpd.conf file:
      <Directory "/<Apache-based web server document root directory>/SiebelConnector">
      	AllowOverride None
      	Options None EXecCGI
      	Order allow,deny
      	Allow from all
      AddHandler cgi-script .pl

Do not change the files in any way. After the installation is operating properly, you may customize the files while preserving the functionality. Some of the files contain comments to help you customize the files.

Verify CA SSO Responses

To verify responses, open a web browser and access the relevant URL page, depending on your web server:


When loaded, this page verifies the contents of the CA SSO responses for the Siebel Username and Ticket.

More information:

Post-Installation Configuration for Siebel Server

Create CA SSO Policies