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Installing and Configuring CA SSO Agent for Siebel

This section contains the following topics:

Gather Information for the Installation Wizard

Run the Installation Wizard on Windows

Run the Installation Wizard on UNIX

Gather Information for the Configuration Wizard

Run the Configuration Wizard

Gather Information for the Installation Wizard

The installation wizard requires the following information:

Select the Components

Specifies the components that were previiously installed on the host where you are installing the product.

Values: Policy Server, Web Agent, Siebel Server

Install Folder

Specifies the directory where the product files are installed.



C:\Program Files\CA\siebel



Run the Installation Wizard on Windows

Important! Before you run the installation wizard, verify that you have installed the required components.

If you are running the installer on the host that has the Siebel server installed, then configure the product to complete the installation.

Note: We recommend that you quit all other programs before you start the installation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Double-click the following installation executable file:

    Note: To install using console, open a console window and then run the previous command with the -i console option.

    Note: To install unattended, open a console window and then run the previous command with the “-i silent –f <installer_properties_file>” options. The installer properties file ( is located in the install_config_info directory of the product.

    Important! To install unattended, you must install the product using wizard or console once. The installer properties file is required for unattended installation. Before you perform the unattended installation, verify that the installer properties file is updated based on the host where you install the product.

  2. Click Next.
  3. Accept the License Agreement and click Next.
  4. Select the components that are already installed on the host where you are installing the product and click Next.

    Note: Depending on your configuration, whether the selected servers are on the same or on different machines, you must run the Installer once, twice or three times.

  5. Specify the location where you want to install the product.

    Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\siebel

  6. Review your selections, and click Install.

    If you are running the installer on the host that has the Siebel server installed, the installer prompts you to configure the product.

  7. Complete the configuration wizard.

More information:

Gather Information for the Configuration Wizard

Run the Installation Wizard on UNIX

Important! Before you start the installation, make sure that you have installed the required components.

If you are running the installer on the host that has the Siebel server installed, then configure the agent to complete the installation.

Note: We recommend that you quit all other programs before you start the installation.

Follow these steps:

  1. Execute the following file:

    Note: To install using console, open a console window and then run the previous command with the -i console option.

    Note: To install unattended, open a console window and then run the previous command with the “-i silent –f <installer_properties_file>” options. The installer properties file ( is located in the install_config_info directory of the product.

    Important! To install unattended, you must install the product using wizard or console once. The installer properties file is required for unattended installation. Before you perform the unattended installation, verify that the installer properties file is updated based on the host where you install the product.

  2. Follow the instructions and complete the installation.

Gather Information for the Configuration Wizard

Before you run the configuration wizard, gather the following information required for the installer:

Admin User Name and Password

Specifies the name and password of an administrator who has the right to register a trusted host with the Policy Server. The name that you provide here must match the name of an administrator defined at the Policy Server

Enable Shared Secret Rollover

Specifies that the Policy Server generates a new shared secret periodically, which is used to encrypt the communication to this product.

Trusted Host Name

Specifies the name of the host that you want to register with the Policy Server.

Host Configuration Object

Specifies the name of the host configuration object that is already defined at the Policy Server.

Note: For configuring Policy Server Clusters, see the CA SSO documentation.

Policy Server IP Address

Specifies the Policy server IP address with which the product communicates when validating sessions.

FIPS Encryption Mode

Determines whether the agent communicates with the Policy Server using the certified Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 compliant cryptographic libraries.

FIPS Compatibility Mode (Default)

Specifies non-FIPS mode, which lets the Policy Server and the agents read and write information using the existing CA Single Sign-On encryption algorithms. If your organization does not require the use of FIPS-compliant algorithms, the Policy Server and the agents can operate in non-FIPS mode without further configuration.

FIPS Only Mode

Specifies full-FIPS mode, which requires that the Policy Server and agents read and write information using only FIPS 140-2 algorithms.

Important! A CA SSO installation that is running in Full FIPS mode cannot interoperate with, or be backward compatible to, earlier versions of CA Single Sign-On, including all agents, custom software using older versions of the Agent API, and custom software using PM APIs or any other API that the Policy Server exposes. You must re-link all such software with the corresponding versions of the respective SDKs to achieve the required support for Full FIPS mode.


Specifies a resource protected with the Siebel authentication scheme.



Specifies the desired action on the Resource.

Values: GET, POST

Default: GET

Agent Name

Specifies the name of the agent with which the resource specified earlier is protected.

Log File

(Optional) Specifies the full path to the log file. Make sure the folder containing the log file exists.



Log Level

(Optional) Specifies the level of logging.

Values: 0 - No logging, 1 - Errors, 2 - Information, 3 - Debug

Default: 0

For production, we recommend that you set LogLevel to 1.

Database User Name and Password

Specifies the credentials of a generic user that is used to connect to the database.

Example: SADMIN

Anonymous User Name and Password

Specifies the credentials of an anonymous Siebel user.

Siebel Response User Attribute Name

Specifies the response user attribute configured in the Policy Server whose value maps to a valid Siebel user.


Run the Configuration Wizard

Use the configuration wizard to configure the product.

Follow these steps:

  1. Run the appropriate file for your operating environment:





    Note: To configure using console, open a console window and then run the previous command with the -i console option.

    Note: To configure unattended, open a console window and then run the previous command with the “-i silent –f <configuration_properties_file>” options. The configuration properties file ( is located in the install_config_info directory of the product.

    Important! To configure unattended, you must configure the product using wizard or console once. The configuration properties file is required for unattended configuration. Before you perform the unattended configuration, verify that the configuration properties file is updated based on the host where you configure the product.

  2. Provide the required information that was gathered before to complete the wizard.