Getting Started › Recommended IE Browser Settings for NTLM Pass-Through Authentication
Recommended IE Browser Settings for NTLM Pass-Through Authentication
The recommended Windows Internet Explorer (IE) browser settings for NTLM pass-through authentication apply in the following cases, where CA EEM points to an external Active Directory:
- CA EEM uses NTLM pass-through authentication to authenticate CA Process Automation global users.
- Users use IE to browse to CA Process Automation.
- IE prompts for a user name and password.
Follow these steps:
- From the IE Tools menu, select Internet Options, and then click the Security tab
- Select the Local intranet icon, and then click Custom level.
The Security Settings - Local Intranet Zone dialog opens.
- Scroll to User Authentication and select Automatic logon only in Intranet zone.
- Add the CA Process Automation URL to the Local Intranet zone.
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