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Configure Orchestrator Host Properties

You can configure host properties for a selected Orchestrator and view read-only information.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the Configuration tab.
  2. Expand the Orchestrators node.
  3. Select the Orchestrator to configure, and then click Lock.
  4. Click the Properties tab and view the read-only Orchestrator properties settings:
  5. Configure the following fields:
    Operators Autorecovery

    Specifies whether to automate recovery. Recovery applies to operators that fail with a SYSTEM_ERROR and have recoverable processes in BLOCKED, RUNNING, or WAITING state when the recovery is triggered. If recovery is set to automatic, each Orchestrator in the environment automatically initiates the recovery when the Orchestrator becomes active again. Recovery starts running the affected processes and their operators begin running on this Orchestrator.

    Values: This property has the following values:

    • Inherit from Environment - Use the value that is configured for this field in the Environment properties.
    • True - Automates recovery.
    • False - Prevents automated recovery.

    Default: Inherit from Environment.

    Match target in Host Groups only?

    Specifies the search scope for an operator target when the Target field entry is an IP address or a host name (FQDN). The operator execution on the target can proceed only when the target is known to CA Process Automation. Select Disabled to allow the broadest search. Select Enabled here and Disabled for the next field for the most restricted search.

    Note: A DNS lookup of a specified hostname finds associated IP addresses; a DNS lookup of the IP address finds associated hostnames.

    Values: This property has the following values:

    • Inherit from Environment - Use the value that is configured for this field in the Environment properties.
    • Enabled - The scope of the search depends on whether the "Lookup DNS when matching target in Host Groups" field is enabled or disabled.

      If a DNS lookup is disabled, searches: Host group reference to a remote host (exact)

      If a DNS lookup is enabled, searches: Host group reference to a remote host (exact or DNS lookup result)

    • Disabled - Search the Domain components in the following order:

      Touchpoint (exact or a DNS lookup result)

      Orchestrator (exact or a DNS lookup result)

      Agent (exact or a DNS lookup result)

      Proxy touchpoint mapping to a remote host (exact or DNS lookup result)

      Host group reference to a remote host (exact or DNS lookup result)

    Default: Inherit from Environment.

    Lookup DNS when matching target in Host Groups?

    Note: This field is enabled when the "Match target in Host Groups only" is set to Enabled.

    Specifies whether to limit the search through Host Group references to the entry type. For example: When the Target field entry type is an FQDN, search only host name patterns. When the Target field entry type is an IP address, search only subnets. When a DNS lookup is included, the search can also accept a host group reference to the other type, as resolved by a DNS lookup.

    Values: This property has the following values:

    • Inherit from Environment - Use the value that is configured for this field in the Environment properties.
    • Enabled - Search all host group references. Host group references for hostnames are patterns (regular expressions) that can include the specified host name. Host group references for IP addresses are IP address subnets that are expressed in CIDR notation that can include the specified IP address. Extend the search to all host group references. Let the search find either an exact match or a match to the DNS lookup result.
    • Disabled - Restrict the search to host group references that include an exact match to the Target field entry.

    Default: Inherit from Environment.

  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Unlock.