Administer Orchestrators › Configure the Contents of an Orchestrator Host › Configure Orchestrator Policies
Configure Orchestrator Policies
The Orchestrator Policies settings specify history settings for processes that run on the Orchestrator. They also specify the default schedule and the default process in the library. You can configure separate policies for separate Orchestrators.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab.
- From the Configuration Browser, select the Orchestrator to configure, and click Lock.
- Click the Policies tab.
- Select whether to allow users to save an edited object as the same version at check-in or to automate object versioning by creating a new version at check-in.
- If you have defined a process that specifies default process handlers with rules for changing lanes and handling exceptions, navigate to that process and select it.
- Specify requirements for retaining instances of processes that have run.
- Select the minimum number of days to save process instances that ran on a touchpoint or remote host. If you configure one day, the process remains in the library for a minimum of 24 hours before it is archived.
- Select the minimum number of failed instances of a process to retain in the history.
- Select the minimum number of completed instances of the process object to retain in the history.
- Select the maximum number of log messages that can be displayed when the process instance is opened from a process watch.
- Select the minimum number of days to store an attachment in the CA Process Automation database before deleting it.
Users can use web services to trigger processes. A user can directly start a process or schedule a Start Request Form. Users can send files as attachments in the web services calls. When a web service call triggers a process, users can access the files in that process. A user can use the SOAP operator to forward an attachment to the outgoing web services call.
- Specify requirements for purging process instances that were run on the selected Orchestrator and were subsequently archived. Alternatively, purge process instances, which were started within a specified data range, on demand.
- Define a policy for purging archived data. Options include:
- Do Not Purge Archived Data
Archived process instances are retained until manually purged.
- Purge Archived Data Daily
Purge archived process instances as a scheduled task according to the settings of the following two fields.
- Purge Data Without Archiving
The Process instances are retained as active for a configured interval. When that interval elapses, the data is purged. No process instances are archived.
- Define the time of day (in hh:mm format) at which to purge the archived instances that have been retained for the configured number of days.
- Define the number of days to retain archived process instances. After an archived instance is kept for the configured number of days, it is purged at the specified time.
- To purge archived instances that were started within a specified age range from the current Orchestrator, click the Delete Archived Instance button, select a date range, and click OK.
- Specify whether to require authentication when a user tries to access attachments outside of CA Process Automation. If selected, users must supply valid credentials to access attachments.
- Specify whether to enforce run-time security. If selected, Runtime Security is enabled for processes that are set to Enable or inherit an enabled setting.
Note: If you select the Enable Runtime Security option here and you select Run as Owner as the Runtime Security option for a process, use Set Owner to establish the ownership of each affected process object. For more information, see the online help or the Content Designer Guide.
- Click Save.
- Click Unlock.
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