Administer Operator Categories and Custom Operator Groups › Configuring Operator Categories › Configure File Management
Configure File Management
You can configure default settings for operators in the File Management category. Unless noted, the referenced fields apply to both UNIX or Linux and Microsoft Windows operating systems.
Note: To expand a field for a File Management window entry that exceeds the provided space, right-click the field and then select Expand.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab, select Domain, and click Lock.
- Click the Modules tab, right-click File Management, and select Edit.
- Complete the following steps on the File Management window:
- Click Default Windows File Management Properties or Default UNIX File Management Properties as appropriate for the operating system you are configuring.
- Complete the following fields if you set the Require user credentials field to Defaults to User Specified Below:
- User
- Password
- Confirm password
- (UNIX) Define the operator system shell. For example, enter one of the following values for Shell:
- /bin/bash
- /bin/csh/
- /bin/ksh
- (UNIX) Select or clear the Disable Password Check check box, depending on whether the product is to verify the user password when it switches users.
- Enter the command that compresses a file or directory in the Compression Utility field. For example:
WZZIP -P -r {0} {1}
gzip -qrf {0}
- {0} defines the output compressed file name.
- {1} defines the name of the source file to compress.
- Enter the command that extracts a compressed file or directory in the Uncompress Utility field. For example:
WZUNZIP -d -o -yO {0}
gunzip -qrf {0}
{0} defines the name of the compressed file to extract.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click Save.
- Select Domain and click Unlock.
More information:
Override Settings Inherited by a Category of Operators
About File Management
Configuring Operator Categories
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