Audit User Actions › View the Audit Trail for an Orchestrator
View the Audit Trail for an Orchestrator
With read permissions on a configuration object, you can view the associated audit trail. Viewing the audit trail for configuration objects requires access rights that include Environment User and View Configuration Browser.
The Orchestrator audit trail monitors the following actions:
- Orchestrator is locked or unlocked.
- Orchestrator property is changed.
- Orchestrator is quarantined or not quarantined.
- Orchestrator is mapped to a Touchpoint or is unmapped from a Touchpoint.
- Orchestrator is renamed.
Follow these steps:
- Click the Configuration tab.
- On the Configuration Browser palette, expand the Orchestrators node and select the target Orchestrator.
- In the Contents pane, click the Audit trails tab.
The Audit Trails tab displays the following information for all records:
- Object Name
- Last Updated
- Username
- Action Type
- Description
- (Optional) To sort the audit trails by a specific column, select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the target column drop-down list.
For example, to audit a specific user, select a sort option from the Username column drop-down list, and then scroll to the appropriate record.
- (Optional) To change the number of records that the product displays on a page, select a value from the Rows On Each Page drop-down list.
- Examine the records in the audit trail.
If the audit records comprise multiple pages, use the toolbar navigation buttons to display the first page, previous page, next page, or last page.
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