Administer Host Groups › Host Group Implementation Process
Host Group Implementation Process
You can configure a host group on any existing agent. An agent does not need to be configured as a touchpoint to host a host group. The agent host for the host group uses SSH to access and execute actions on a remote host. Part of host group preparation is to enable SSH authentication. When content designers target a member of a host group in an operator definition, they reference the target host by its IP address or FQDN.
Prepare to use a host group by performing the following tasks and procedures. Topics providing procedural details follow this process overview.
- Create a Host Group.
- Configure the Host Group Properties. That is, specify values for all settings except SSH Keys Path.
- From the agent host for the host group, verify that Java Virtual Machine (JVM) version 1.7 or 1.6 (no later than version 1.6.0_45) is installed. JVM comes with the JRE or JDK. Both 32-bit JVM and 64-bit JVM are supported for agents that are installed on hosts with Windows operating systems. Use the following command to verify that your Java version is a valid version. An example follows:
java -version
Example response:
Java version "1.6.0_x", a valid version
- Create SSH credentials on hosts in a host group. Define a user account with the SSH credentials that are specified in the host group properties for Remote User Name and Remote Password.
- From each remote UNIX host that the host group references, verify that the Korn shell is installed. If the Korn shell is not installed, take one of the following actions:
- Install the Korn shell.
- Create a soft link from an existing Bash shell to the Korn shell using the returned location. For example:
ln -s /bin/bash /bin/ksh
- Take the following steps to complete the configuration for public key authentication. These steps apply to an SSH Keys Path specification.
- Verify that the path you entered for SSH Keys Path in the host group configuration exists on the agent host. If it does not, create it. For example:
Windows: C:\PAM\Sshkeys
UNIX: /home/PAM/Sshkeys
- Verify that you have the ssh-keygen utility or download it. On a Windows system, the ssh-keygen.exe appears in the C:\Program Files\OpenSSH\bin directory. The bin directory also contains other files that enable you to use UNIX commands.
You use this utility to generate the private/public key pair.
- Verify that you can copy a file from one host to another. If needed, download a copy utility such as scp or Winscp.
You copy the public key from the agent host to each remote host.
- Create the destination directory and destination file for the public key.
- Create a trust relationship to a remote host referenced by a host group.
Important! Follow these instructions carefully. Steps include CA Process Automation-specific requirements that vary from the standard implementation of DSA key pairs.
More information:
CA Process Automation-Specific Requirements for SSH Connectivity
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