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How to Prepare for a Data Repository Installation - Cluster

Meet the following prerequisites before you install Data Repository for a cluster:

  1. Verify that the following ports are open on the Data Repository systems:
  2. When installing Data Repository in a cluster, select the hosts where you will install Data Repository nodes.

    Important! Database software is deployed on each participating host in a cluster. This software represents a ‘node’ in the cluster. A three-node cluster represents the simplest configuration that can tolerate the loss of a single node. You can, however, include more than three hosts in the cluster. If more than one node fails or shuts down, Data Repository is no longer available for use and Data Aggregator shuts down automatically.

  3. If a file named 'release' appears in the /etc directory, remove it. Otherwise, the Data Repository installation will fail.
  4. Verify that the root user or sudo user can create database administrator user accounts, or have an administrator create these accounts.
  5. Verify that CPU frequency scaling is disabled. Disable CPU frequency scaling through the host system Basic Input/Output System (BIOS).
  6. Verify all of the hosts in the cluster are in the same subnet.
  7. Verify that the root user can use Secure Shell (SSH) to log in (ssh) to all of the hosts in the cluster.
  8. Be sure that you have at least 2 GB of swap space on each computer where you will install Data Repository.
  9. Be sure that you are using the ext3 or ext4 file system for data and catalog directories.
  10. Be sure that you are not using Logical Volume Manager (LVM) for data and catalog directories.
  11. Set a unique hostname for each Data Repository host.
  12. (Optional) Configure the sudo user account.