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Install Data Aggregator with the Installation Wizard

After you meet the prerequisites (new installations), you can install Data Aggregator. You can install Data Aggregator with the installation wizard (GUI mode).

Note: The installation wizard is not supported on systems running the SCIM input method, which is the default for Linux systems with the Japanese or Chinese languages installed. For a workaround solution, see the Data Aggregator Release Notes.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the computer where you plan to install Data Aggregator either as the root user or the sudo user.
  2. Copy the installDA.bin file to the /tmp folder.
  3. Change permissions for the installation file by typing the following command:
    chmod a+x installDA.bin
  4. To run the installation, do one of the following steps:

    The License Agreement opens.

  5. Read the license agreement, accept the agreement, and click Next.
  6. When the installer prompts you, enter a user. This user will both own the installation and will be the user that Data Aggregator will run as.
  7. Enter an installation directory when prompted.
  8. The installer automatically calculates your maximum memory usage allocation for the Data Aggregator process and ActiveMQ broker. You can modify these values during or after the installation.
  9. If prompted, enter the parameters for Data Repository:
    Data Repository server hostname/IP

    Defines either a name or an IP address for the Data Repository server host.

    Note: If you installed Data Repository in a cluster, specify the IP address or name of any of the three hosts that are participating in the cluster. The installer automatically determines the name and IP address of the remaining nodes. If you are using a hardware load balancer, specify the IP address or name of the load balancer to help ensure proper connection failover handling and distribution of database activity.

    Data Repository server port

    Defines the port number for the Data Repository server.

    Default: 5433

    Database name

    Defines the database name of Data Repository.

    Data Repository username

    Specifies the username that Data Aggregator uses to connect to the database. When installing Data Aggregator for the first time, you can specify a username and any password as long as the password does not match the username. This username and password combination is added to the database during installation.

    Example: dauser

    Data Repository user password

    Specifies a password for the Data Repository user name.

    Example: dapass

    Data Repository admin username

    Specify the Linux user account that was used to install Data Repository. This username is needed for administration, such as backing up and restoring Data Repository, or updating the database schema if it becomes out of synchronization. The example password that was used was dradmin.

    Data Repository admin password

    Defines the password for the Data Repository admin username.

    Note: This database user account password was specified when you created the database after the Data Repository installation. The example password that was used was dbpassword.

  10. When asked if you want the installer to recreate the schema, accept the default option. This question only applies to the case when your Data Repository has been used by a previous Data Aggregator installation.

    The following table describes Data Repository users that you created:

New User Example

Password Example

Operating System User Account?

Vertica Database User Account?





dradmin (This user was created during the Data Repository installation)


Note: The password that is specified for this database will be the password for the database administrator.



The following results can occur:

  1. When prompted, enter the HTTP port number for Data Aggregator. This number is the port number for accessing Data Aggregator using the Data Aggregator REST web services and for downloading the Data Collector installer.

    Default: 8581

  2. When prompted, enter the SSH port for logging in to the Data Aggregator Apache Karaf shell for debugging purposes.

    Default: 8501

  3. Click Next.

    Data Aggregator is installed.

    If you chose to generate a response file when you installed Data Aggregator, a response file, is created. The response file is located in the same directory where you ran the installer from. Modify the response file as needed. You can use the response file to install Data Aggregator on other computers silently.

  4. To verify that the installation was successful, review the information in the file named CA_Infrastructure_Management_Data_Aggregator_Install_timestamp.log. This log file is located in the directory where you installed Data Aggregator, for example, /opt/IMDataAggregator/Logs.
  5. (New installations) Register Data Aggregator as a data source with CA Performance Center.

    Note: For more information about registering a data source, see the CA Performance Center Administrator Guide.

  6. Wait a few minutes for Data Aggregator to synchronize automatically with CA Performance Center. Alternatively, you can manually synchronize CA Performance Center and Data Aggregator if you do not want to wait for the automatic synchronization to occur.

    Note: The installer restarts Data Aggregator automatically when the installation is complete.

  7. Be sure that Data Aggregator is up and running. Access the following address, http://hostname:port/rest, where hostname:port specifies the Data Aggregator host name and the port number. If this page displays successfully, Data Aggregator is up and running. Depending on the amount of data, Data Aggregator can take a few minutes to start running.

    Note: The Karaf log on the Data Aggregator component includes the following error after upgrading the installation:

    ERROR | tenderThread-178 | 2013-01-24 13:36:40,431 | ndorCertificationPriorityManager | nager.core.cert-mgr.impl |
          | Failed to load the MetricFamilyVendorPriority for bundle: BundleURLEntry [bundle=198, resourceURL=file:/opt/IMDataAggregator/apache-karaf-2.3.0/data/cache/resources/198--xml-vendorpriorities-ReachabilityVendorPriorities.xml
  8. This error for Reachability is expected and harmless. Other occurrences of this error are not expected.

More information:

How to Install CA Performance Management Data Aggregator – Installation Wizard