If the database server runs out of memory or if Data Repository is unavailable for a time, Data Aggregator shuts down automatically to help ensure that data consistency is maintained.
You can configure the automatic recovery of the Data Aggregator process.
When Data Aggregator shuts down, an audit message is logged in the Data Aggregator installation directory/apache-karaf-2.3.0/shutdown.log file. When Data Aggregator becomes unavailable, Data Collector continues polling and Data Collector caches polled data in memory, up to a configurable limit. When the Data Aggregator host becomes available, the cached polled data is sent to Data Aggregator.
We recommend that you disable this cron job before you upgrade Data Aggregator. If you shut down Data Aggregator manually with the service dadaemon stop command, the cron job does not restart Data Aggregator automatically. Maintenance can be performed without having the cron job disrupt the system when it is expected to be down.
Note: The Data Aggregator installation directory/apache-karaf-2.3.0/shutdown_details.log logs heartbeat messages between Data Aggregator and Data Repository, as well as any Data Aggregator shutdowns for debugging purposes.
Follow these steps:
crontab -e
A vi session opens. If there are no cron jobs for the database administrator user, an empty file opens. Otherwise, the file contains existing cron job definitions.
EXECUTED_BY_CRON=1 * * * * * service dadaemon start > /dev/null
This line means that cron is going to issue a start command to Data Aggregator every minute.
If Data Aggregator is running, the start command is ignored.
If Data Aggregator is not running, the start command starts Data Aggregator. After it starts, Data Aggregator checks for the availability of Data Repository. If Data Repository is unavailable, Data Aggregator shuts down. This process is repeated until all Data Repository connectivity problems are resolved.
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