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Set up and Configure Node 1

Set up CA Open Space on node 1 and configure it for the cluster environment.

Follow these steps:

  1. Install CA Open Space on a machine or node 1. Ensure that you give the Database Host as the machine name.
  2. After the installation, add all schema privileges for the root user by clicking Add Entry from the Schema Privileges tab in Mysql Workbench. Ensure that you have checked the Grant option.
  3. Onboard a tenant and configure the CA SDM data source. For more information, see the Administration Guide.
  4. Shutdown CA Open Space in services.msc.
  5. Open the file located in the OSOP folder of the CA Open Space installation directory.
  6. Append the file with the following lines:
  7. Extract the file from the OSOP\tools folder to the OSOP\tomcat-7.0.23\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\classes\ folder.

    Important! Ensure that after the extraction, the custom-ehcache folder is created in the same path as the hibernate-clustered.xml and liferay-multi-vm-clustered.xml files.

  8. Open the server.xml file from the OSOP\tomcat-7.0.23\conf\ folder.
  9. Replace <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost"> with <Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="node1">.
  10. Restart CA Open Space services.
  11. Install and Configure Apache Solr and Configure Liferay to use Sorl for Searching.
  12. Configure the common repository for attachments on the CA Open Space common server. For more information, see the Liferay documentation.
  13. Copy the OSOP\jetty-7.2.2.v20101205 folder to the CA Open Space common server to configure the notification server on the common CA Open Space server.
  14. Configure the notification server on the CA Open Space node:
    1. Open file and search for cometd.
    2. Replace localhost with the hostname or IP address of CA Open Space common server and port with the port number on which Jetty is running. For example,
      #cometd configurations begin
      #internal properties are used by java client
      #external properties are used by jquery clients
      #cometd configurations end
    3. Stop CA Open Space Jetty server from service.msc.

    CA Open Space node 1 is configured.