Run the installer to install CA Open Space.
Follow these steps:
The Introduction wizard is displayed.
The License Agreement wizard is displayed.
The Liferay Zip File wizard is displayed.
The Path to Installation Folder wizard is displayed.
Specifies the host name of the computer where you are installing CA Open Space.
Defines the tomcat port number.
Defines the Tomcat shutdown port number that is used to close Tomcat.
The MySQL Database Setting wizard is displayed.
To configure the MySQL server, select one of the following options:
Specifies to create a MySQL database.
Deletes the existing database and creates a database with the same name. Select this option when you want to modify the installation.
Uses the existing database. Select this option when you want to modify the installation.
Defines the host name of the database server.
Defines the port number of the database server.
Defines the name of the database.
Defines the name of the DB Admin User that is used to create the database and CA Open Space database user.
Defines the password of the DB Admin user.
Defines the name of the CA Open Space database user. The installer creates a user with this name. This user name is used to connect the database when CA Open Space runs.
Defines the password of the CA Open Space database user.
The Administrator Settings wizard is displayed. Provide the details of the administrator. The following list includes the explanation of only those fields that are not self-explanatory:
Defines the name of your company email domain.
Defines the administrator user name.
Defines the administrator password.
Defines to re-enter the administrator password.
Defines the name of the mail server.
Specifies whether anonymous users are allowed to send emails to the mail server. Ensure that the anonymous user setting is set in the mail server too.
Note: If you select the Enable Authentication option, then Mail User and Mail User’s Password is required.
Defines the name of the mail user using which you want to send automatic notifications.
Defines the password of the mail user.
Specifies whether the TLS security is enabled or not for the mail server.
Defines the port number of the SMTP mail server.
The Pre-installation Summary wizard is displayed.
The Installing Open Space page opens. After the extraction of CA Open Space the Tomcat Server wizard is displayed.
The Install Complete wizard is displayed.
CA Open Space is installed.
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