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Workshifts Setup

Workshifts identify the days, dates, and times when an event or schedule is in effect. You can specify days or dates, or days and dates. Specifying a time is optional.

Note: For information about how to define workshifts, see the Online Help.

When you are monitoring events for tickets, workshifts define when the event is monitored or, in other words, when the clock is running. For example, using the predefined event P1 Active Issue Notify assignee, if a priority 1 issue is opened at 4:45 PM and the workshift schedule is 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, the monitored event automatically sends notification to the issue assignee at 9:45 AM the next day.

Note: Workshifts are also used for the purpose of automatically assigning tickets to contacts.

More information:

Establishing Support Structure