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Version Control Parameters

The following parameters apply to version control:

[ component-name ]

Specifies the name of an item under version control. The name must be unique and enclosed in square brackets. component-name is not case-sensitive. This parameter is required to begin a component definition.

version="x.x. yyymmd"

Specifies a version number (x.x) and a date (yyyymmdd) that define the version of the component. This parameter is required, and must be enclosed in double quotes. Version control verifies the version of a component by comparing the version number and date on the server with the version number and date on the client. Both version number and date must match for the component to be considered in sync between client and server. Optionally, if the checksum property is enabled, the file is verified by checksum verification before being updated.


Specifies the type of version control for this component. The following settings are valid for control-type:




Specifies that the component represents a directory. You must provide the directory parameter to specify the path to the directory. You can also provide the filename parameter to specify a mask for files in the directory to upgrade when an upgrade is required. Subdirectories are not upgraded on either UNIX or Windows.


Specifies that the component represents a file. You must provide the directory and filename parameters to specify the path to the file.


Specifies that this component represents the client_nx.env file, which is used to store internal CA SDM environment variables. CA SDM version control and the Options Manager automatically maintain this file. There is one nxenv_ctl component, and its component name must be CLIENT_NXENV.



This is the default control type. It specifies that the component is generic; that is, not associated with any specific external object. You can use a generic component to provide version control for the client as a whole, or for a file or directory too large for an automatic upgrade. Components with a control type of ver_ctl cannot be upgraded; a version mismatch on a ver_ctl component when the server is in UPGRADE mode causes the client connection to fail.


Specifies the name of a file under version control. It does not contain directory specifications. This parameter is required for file_ctl components, but is optional for directory (dir_ctl) control components. When used with directory components, the filename parameter acts as a file mask to restrict the files associated with the dir_ctl component. For example, if the filename for a dir_ctl component is *.README, then an upgrade from that directory includes only files ending with “.README.”.


Specifies the path to the directory for dir_ctl components, or to the directory containing the file for file_ctl components. This parameter is ignored for ver_ctl and nxenv_ctl components. The directory path must be enclosed in quotes, and can contain references to environment variables preceded with a $.

Note: Always use forward slashes (not backslashes) to separate subdirectories in the path name, even on a Windows server.


Specifies a link directory on the client in the same format described previously for directory parameter. This parameter is optional for file_ctl and dir_ctl components, and ignored for ver_ctl and nxenv_ctl components. If it is specified, an upgrade to a Linux client causes a symbolic link to be placed in the link directory, pointing to the actual file copied to the location specified by the directory parameter. An upgrade to a Windows client causes the actual file to be copied to both the link and directory locations.


(Optional) Specifies a different directory on the server where the server can retrieve files for delivery. This parameter has the same format described previously for the directory parameter. It is useful if the files that are to be delivered to the client are different from the same files in the directory location on the server. This parameter is used to tell the server to retrieve the file from source-directory and deliver it to the location on the client specified by the directory parameter. The directory parameter is required if you specify the source parameter.


(Optional) Specifies whether the client should get this component. It lets you exclude download to some clients. If a client is not included in the effectivity specification, it does not get the component. If this parameter is omitted, all clients receive the component. The effectivity specification uses the following symbols:

+ (plus sign)

Indicates to add a client group.

- (minus sign)

Indicates to exclude a client group.

The following client groups are valid:

For example, the following specification indicates that only UNIX clients get the files:

effectivity = "+ UNIX_CLIENTS"

Directs the component to upgrade if the checksum of the component on the client does not match the corresponding checksum on the server. If it is applied to a directory, then checksum is applied to each file.

min_release=“release” and max_release="release"

Specifies the oldest and latest client to which this component should be distributed. Statements in the server_default.ver file define releases. These parameters are in the following form, where Gaxx indicates the release, and the values following are genlevels associated with the release.

! Release GA50 50MVV000900 50W7T000900
! Release GA45 45MW000900 50WTT000900

The order indicates that GA50 is newer than GA45.

[ component-name ]

Specifies the name of an item under version control. The name must be unique and enclosed in square brackets. component-name is not case-sensitive. This parameter is required to begin a component definition.




This is the default component type. It specifies that files copied to the client be obtained directly from the location on the server indicated by the directory parameter.


Specifies that files copied to the client be obtained from a location on the server that is dependent on the client’s operating system, as shown by the following:

  • windows (Windows)
  • sun4Sol (Solaris)
  • hp (HP-UX)
  • aix—AIX)
  • linux (Linux)
  • linux390 (Linux390)

Locations for these subdirectories are dependent on the directory parameter setting. If this parameter is set, then subdirectories are located under the indicated directory. Otherwise, they are located under the bin directory of the main CA SDM installation directory.


Specifies file access permissions for the file’s owner.


Specifies file access permissions for users in the file owner’s group (used for UNIX clients only).


Specifies file access permissions for users not in the file owner’s group (used for UNIX clients only).

The three mode parameters allow different versions of the same executable to be maintained on the server. They specify access controls on the file when copied to the client. These parameters are used only during an upgrade operation. They consist of one to three characters, with the following significance:









PC clients ignore Write and Execute permissions.

You can specify any combination of one or more file access modes. On UNIX clients, the file is given the access mode of specified. On PC clients, the file is made writable or read-only, depending on whether w_mode has been specified.