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Version Control File Syntax

Each version control file describes one or more components. A component can represent a file, directory, or the client_nx.env environment variable file. A component can also be generic; that is, not directly associated with any external object.

Note: For more information about the structure and syntax of version control files, look at the .ver files that are installed on your system in the site subdirectory of the main CA SDM installation directory. These files have useful comments and example settings that may help you.

Use the following syntax to define each component. Items in italic print represent data that you supply. The component-name and version parameters are always required. Other parameters may be required, depending on the value of control-type. All other items represent keywords that you must enter exactly as shown in the following example:

[ component-name ]
version = "x.x, yyyymmdd"
filename = "filename"
directory = "directory"
link = "link-directory"
source = "source-directory"
effectivity = "effect-spec"
min_release = "release"
max_release = "release"
component_type = "file-type"
o_mode = "owner-mode"
g_mode = "group-mode"
w_mode = "world-mode"