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Use the Dbadmin Mode

The dbadmin mode is a utility that starts the data manipulation layer of the CA SDM system without starting the object layer, providing the ability to lock the entire database to perform low-level data maintenance without jeopardizing data integrity.

For example, you may want to use pdm_extract, pdm_load, pdm_deref, and pdm_replace for performing batch data updates on the system. By using dbadmin, the administrator is essentially placing a database lock on the entire system. The backup (pdm_backup) and restore (pdm_restore) utilities, both automatically place the system in dbadmin mode to guarantee a consistent backup and restore.

The dbadmin mode is also useful if you want to customize the system without starting the object layer until the data is modified. For example, making an attribute “required” in majic on an existing system can confuse the animator if it needs to update an object that has the required attribute null. You can put the system into dbadmin mode and update the objects using pdm_load, and then start the system as usual.

To place the system into dbadmin mode

  1. Halt CA SDM either from Windows Service Manager or by running pdm_halt from the command line.

    Note: It is a good practice to send an announcement to alert users and to check for logged in users before halting the system.

  2. From the command line, enter the following command using the same case as shown:
    pdm_d_mgr -s DBADMIN

    Note: There is no return message, but a pause occurs before the command prompt returns. If there is no pause, check your spelling to verify that you entered data correctly.

  3. Run pdm_status to verify that the system is in dbadmin mode.

    Note: When the system is in dbadmin mode, the system returns the following status, which indicates that it is safe to work on the system:

    The Daemons are not running.
  4. When all work is complete, run pdm_halt to shut down dbadmin mode.
  5. Restart the system by following your usual procedures.