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Set Notification Log Reader Options

You can set options for the Notification Log Reader to define how you are notified when new messages are received for an issue.

To set options for the Notification Log Reader

  1. On the ServiceDesk tab, browse to View, Log Reader.

    The Notification Log Reader page appears.

  2. Use the check box to the left of each notification to set the following options. You can select items to perform operations such as Clear Selected or Delete Selected.

    Displays the header of the message, which usually contains the number of the ticket and the activity type.

    Start Date

    Displays the date and time the notification was sent to your Log Reader window.


    Displays the status of the notification.


    Defines the level of urgency for the notification (low, normal, high, or emergency), which indicates the relative importance of different activities. Urgency levels are predefined; however, the system administrator is responsible for setting up other aspects of notification, such as notification methods and activity associations. The system administrator also defines the method of notification used for contacts and groups for each urgency level.

    Message Text

    The full message text for the notification.

    The Log Reader displays any changes.

  3. Click Close.

    The Notification Log Reader page closes and the options are set.