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Schedule Views

CA SDM provides the following scheduling views:


Displays a list page sorted by schedule start and end date.


Displays a calendar for a full month.

The view shows change orders in groups, with each entry collecting one or more change orders. You can see detailed information about the change orders in a group by hovering over the group with the mouse; by pressing Alt+Right Arrow when the focus is on the group; or by clicking on the group to display its contents in an n-day view.


Displays a full week in a single column, starting with the day configured as the first weekday.

The view shows changes individually and includes detailed information about each change order scheduled during the week.


Displays change orders for a single day.

The view shows changes individually and includes detailed information about each change order scheduled during the day.

n Days

Displays change orders for the number of days specified by the dropdown selector.

The view shows changes individually and includes detailed information about each change order scheduled during the days selected.