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Navigating the Schedule Views

You can use the arrow and tab keys to navigate the scheduling views. The following keyboard shortcuts are available:


Navigates to a later date. Use this from the last cell in the schedule to navigate to the Search button.


Navigates to a previous date. Use this from the first cell in the schedule to navigate to the Next Month button.


Navigates around the calendar from date to date in the direction of the arrow.

Right Arrow

Displays the context menu for the currently focused date or event. If there is no context menu, it navigates to the next higher date (similar to Shift+Right Arrow).

Alt+Right Arrow

Displays a hover information popup for the currently focused date or event. If there is no hover information, it navigates to the next higher date (similar to Shift+Right Arrow).

Down Arrow

Navigates to the next event in the current cell. If there are no events in the current cell, or if the focus is already on the last event, it navigates to the date in the next cell down (similar to Shift+Down Arrow).

Up Arrow

Navigates to the previous event in the current cell. If focus is not on an event, it navigates to the date in the next cell up (similar to Shift+Up Arrow).