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REST Sample Mobile User Interface

The REST sample mobile user interface provides two user interfaces: Analyst and Employee. This sample also supports the Administrator, Level 1 Analyst, and Employee roles. After you log in to CA SDM, the Administrator and Level 1 Analyst roles view the analyst interface. The Employee role only views the employee interface. For an invalid login, CA SDM rejects the login request and displays a message. If an administrator disabled Automatic Priority Calculation, the Priority field appears on create and edit pages.

Important! This functionality applies only to the sample program provided in CA SDM Release 12.7. It is not a design restricted in the REST Web Services application itself.

Fields that use autosuggest require a value selection from the auto suggestion list, such as the assignee and Incident Area. If you do not select a value, the user input for that field clears.

Note: We recommend that you navigate REST interfaces with the provided buttons, instead of using the browser back and forward options. For example, select Home or Cancel to return to a previous page.

You configure REST during the CA SDM configuration, but you enable the sample mobile interface manually.

Analysts can perform the following tasks:

Employees can perform the following tasks:

Note: An asterisk indicates a required field.