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Primary Server Control Files

Version control on the CA SDM server consists of one executable, pdm_ver_nxd, and two version control files, server_default.ver and server_secondary.ver. The ver_ctl server option determines how version control responds to version discrepancies between installed components on the server and client. The default setting of the ver_ctl Options Manager option is UPGRADE, causing version control to upgrade when a discrepancy is detected.

Pdm_ver_nxd validates version request messages from clients by comparing the data in the request with the following version control files:

If pdm_ver_nxd detects a component version discrepancy, it logs a message about the problem and because UPGRADE is enabled, the client is upgraded. The contents of the notification message depend on the setting of the ver_ctl option.

If you want, you can create and maintain the following two custom version control files to manage customizations: