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View Automated Policies

An automated policy describes the condition by which documents are flagged for correction and promoted to publication or retirement throughout the various stages of the document lifecycle process. For example, you can specify the "fix broken links" default policy that matches documents found in the knowledge base with broken links. The task of fixing the problem can be assigned to an analyst.

Note: If multi-tenancy is installed, the list page displays Tenant and Public Data settings in the search filter. Public Data can be Excluded or Included with Tenant data; Only searches for public objects exclusively. On detail pages, select the appropriate tenant from the list. If you select <empty>, the object is public.

To view automated policies, select the Administration tab, Knowledge, Automated Policies, Policies.

The Automated Policies List page displays the details of the automated policies. You can edit the default policies, or define your own. Each policy is associated with the following components:

Stored Query

Contains a set of action macros that execute when the policies identify and match a document during processing. After processing, the stored query condition event displays a role-based Knowledge Management lifecycle policy report on the CA SDM Scoreboard.

The administrator is responsible for monitoring the reports and for providing feedback and recommendations to the appropriate document editors.

Action Macro

Contains code that lets users set a flag, increase the priority, or perform some other action. You can modify the macros that appear on the Macro list, or define your own.

Note: You can export list results to Excel for use outside of CA SDM by clicking the Export button on the List page.

More information:

View Document Lifecycle Policy Reports

Schedule Automated Policies