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pdm_ket Utility—Knowledge Export Tool

The pdm_ket utility exports knowledge based on a template created from the web interface from a source computer to a knowledge package.

Attachments and their links are exported to data.xml during the export. Before you import the attachments, manually move them to following directory on the destination server:


Use this utility to do the following:

The utility is invoked as follows:

pdm_ket -n <template name> [-h] ]-v]
-n <template name>

Defines the name of the template used for export (case sensitive).


(Optional) Displays help on the utility.


(Optional) Enables extensive logging (bop_logging) of program events. This option is commonly used for internal problem solving.

Example: Using pdm_ket to Export Knowledge Using the my_template Template.

pdm_ket -n my_template

The pdm_ket utility can be scheduled using a third-party scheduler for exporting Knowledge Documents.