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pdm_edit--Configure Server Processes

pdm_edit is used to edit the startup template file, pdm_startup.tpl, on the CA SDM server. Some examples of when you need to edit the startup template file are to define object engine aliases, to set up the web engine to run on a secondary server, and to establish remote authentication on a secondary server.


UNIX users must change the permissions on the file to "executable."


On the CA SDM server installation, switch to the $NX_ROOT/samples/pdmconf (UNIX) or installation-directory\samples\pdmconf (Windows) directory, and then enter the following command to start pdm_edit:


Note: pdm_edit is a Perl script, and we recommended that you use the version of Perl that comes with CA SDM, pdm_perl, to run it; however, other versions of Perl may also work.


After pdm_edit is running, you will be prompted for certain information, and the rest of the process is menu-driven. To get usage information, use the H menu option for help. You can also view the help in the file pdm_edit.README using any text editor.


When you exit pdm_edit and save your changes, several files are created:

To put your changes into effect, follow these steps:

  1. Create a backup of the pdm_startup.tpl that resides in the $NX_ROOT/pdmconf (UNIX) or installation-directory\pdmconf (Windows) directory of the CA SDM primary server installation, and then use the newly created pdm_startup.rmt file to replace it.

    Note: The pdm_startup.tpl file that you create from pdm_startup.rmt must be readable by the privileged user.

  2. If you defined Object Engine aliases, run the alias_install script to reconfigure your primary server.
  3. Run the configuration utility on the CA SDM primary server without making any changes. This will put your new configuration settings into effect the next time you start the CA SDM server.
  4. If necessary, start all secondary CA SDM servers, and then start the primary server.

Important! On UNIX, the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example, input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments ...".

More information:

Start the Primary Server

Start a Secondary Server