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Start the Primary Server

Every CA SDM installation has one primary server that handles basic product functionality.

Important! If your installation includes one or more secondary servers, you must start the secondary servers before starting the primary server.

To start the CA SDM primary server in a Windows environment, from the Control Panel, select the CA SDM Server service, and click Start. You can start the service manually each time you need it, or you can configure it to start automatically like any other Windows service.

In a UNIX environment, start the CA SDM server from the command line using pdm_init.

The following table describes the processes that start automatically when you start the CA SDM server:



Daemon Agent (pdm_proctor_nxd)

The daemon agent responsible for starting the managed daemons

Daemon Monitor (pdm_d_mgr)

Monitors daemon processes

BOP Virtual DB (bpvirtdb_srvr)

BOP virtual database server

Data Dictionary (ddictbuild)

Rebuilds data dictionary each time the system is started—this runs and then goes away

KPI Daemon (kpi_daemon)

Manages the collection, organization, and storage of KPI data.

Oracle agent (orcl_agent)

Agent for Oracle database—many instances, depending upon load

Oracle DB (orcl_prov_nxd)

Oracle database provider

SQL agent (sql_agent)

(runs only if you are using MS SQL)

Agent for SQL Server database—many instances, depending upon load

SQL DB (sql_prov_nxd)

(runs only if you are using MS SQL)

Microsoft SQL Server database provider

Event Manager (ehm_nxd)

Event manager

License Manager (license_nxd)

Manages security

Message Dispatcher (sslump_nxd)

Dispatches messages

Notification Manager (Windows only)

Manages notifications in the Windows environment

Object Engine (domsrvr)

CA SDM server

Report Manager (pcrpt_nxd)

PC reporting

Software Version Control (pdm_ver_nxd)

Manages versions of specified system components

Method Engine (spel_srvr)

Spell code interpretation server

Text API (pdm_text_nxd)

Text API daemon for email and CA NSM interfaces

Timed Events/Notifications (animator_nxd)

Timed events and notifications

User Validation (boplgin)

Request Management login

Web Engine (webengine)

Runs the engine for the web client

Archive Purge Daemon (arcpur_srvr)

Manages the background Archive and Purge processing

BU Daemon (bu_daemon)

Handles FAQ Rating calculation for Knowledge Documents

DB Monitor (dbmonitor_nxd)

Monitors CA common tables for changes

EBR Daemon (bpebr_nxd)

Handles knowledge search requests

EBR Idx Daemon (bpeid_nxd)

Handles EBR re-indexing

KRC Daemon (krc_daemon)

Manages statistical calculations and notifications for the Knowledge Report Card

KT Daemon (kt_daemon)

Manages Knowledge Documents (KD approval process, permissions, notifications, and so on)

LDAP virtdb (ldap_virtdb)

Agent for communication with LDAP Servers

Mail Daemon (pdm_mail_nxd)

Handles outbound email notifications

Mail Eater (pdm_maileater_nxd)

Handles inbound email notifications

MDB Registration Server (mdb_registration_nxd)

Agent for handling MDB registration requests

PDM KTLC (pdm_ktlc)

Manages licensing for Knowledge Management.


Manages Web Services requests

Repository Daemon (rep_daemon)

Handles attachment repositories

Spell checker (lexagent_nxd)

Handles spell checking requests

Time-to-Violation (ttv_nxd)

SLA Violation forecaster

tomcat controller (pdm_tomcat_nxd)

Manages Tomcat services

Note: In this table, the Notification Manager process applies only to the Windows environment and the Default DB process applies only to the UNIX environment.