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pdm_cache_refresh--Refresh Database

pdm_cache_refresh causes CA SDM daemons or processes to use data loaded into the database with pdm_userload or other database utilities, including non-CA SDM database tools.

Most CA SDM daemons and executables maintain a cache in dynamic memory of database records. This cache improves performance by eliminating the need to access the database when the required data is already available. CA SDM executables notify each other of database updates, so that the cache can always be kept up-to-date. However, there is no notification of updates from external utilities, such as pdm_userload, or third party database utilities. If new data is loaded into the database from one of these external sources, it is necessary to use the pdm_cache_refresh utility to notify executing modules that their cache must be refreshed from the database.


This command has the following format:

pdm_cache_refresh [-f filename] [-t tablenamelist] [-d] [-v]

-f filename

Specifies a text file containing a list of database tables that have been modified externally. The text file consists of one or more lines, with each line containing one or more table names separated by spaces.

-t tablename

Specifies one or more tables that have been modified externally. If the list contains more than one table, the table names must be separated by semicolons, and the whole list must be enclosed in quotes. The tables are listed in the appendix "Data Element Dictionary" in the Technical Reference Guide.

For example, assume you have loaded location and site data into the CA SDM database with a third party utility. To tell CA SDM daemons to refresh their cache for these tables, issue the following command:

pdm_cache_refresh -t "Location;Site"


Sends a message to the domsrvr, the CA SDM domain server. The domain server then reloads all selection lists, which causes any list windows displayed on a client to flash.


Specifies verbose mode. The value 1 is the brief mode. The value 2 prints the progress messages to the log file.

Important! On UNIX, the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example, input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments ...".