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Number of Servers

Your CA SDM installation has one or more server components that as an administrator you manage. The number of servers depends on your enterprise. Every installation has one primary server that manages overall CA SDM functionality. Installations can optionally have one or more secondary servers to manage specific features. After you install CA SDM, configure each computer that runs product components.

For example, your particular configuration can be a single computer acting as the primary server with all the necessary services installed. Or your installation can be spread across several computers, each serving a specific function. For example, one computer can act as the primary server and the database server, while a separate web server runs the web interface, and yet another computer authenticates users.

You can run the server configuration as part of the installation process, or you can run it later. You change the configuration if changes in your environment occur.

Note: For more information about the architecture of this product and the configuration options, see the Implementation Guide.

More information:

Start a Secondary Server

Start the Primary Server