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Manage CAB Groups

You can create and manage CAB groups with members appropriate for the change orders under consideration. The CAB can include members from the application team, development manager, component owner, QA, support, and any additional parties deemed necessary.

Note: Before you implement a CAB group, configure the appropriate contacts for your business structure.

To create a CAB group

  1. On the Administration tab, select Groups.

    The Group Search page appears.

  2. Click Create New.

    The Create New Group page appears.

  3. Complete the fields as appropriate.
  4. Click Save.

    The CAB Group appears on the Group List page.

To assign members to the CAB group

  1. On the Group Detail page, select the Members tab.
  2. Click Update Members.

    The Contact Search page displays.

  3. Enter the search criteria to display the desired contacts and click Search.

    The Members Update page displays, listing the contacts that matched the search criteria.

  4. From the list on the left, select the contacts you want to assign to this group. To select multiple items, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking the left mouse button.
  5. When you have selected all the contacts you want, click the selection button (>>).

    The selected contacts move to the Members list on the right.

  6. Click OK.

    The Group Detail page displays, with the selected contacts listed on the Members tab.

To add the CAB group to a change category

Note: Make sure that the Category_Defaults option is installed, so that the CAB field on change orders defaults to a CAB group.

  1. On the Administration tab, select CA SDM, Change Orders, Categories.

    The Change Category List appears.

  2. Select a category from the list.

    The Update Change Category page appears.

  3. Select the appropriate CAB group from the CAB field.
  4. Complete other fields as appropriate.
  5. Click Save.

    The Change Category Detail page displays a successful save message.

  6. Click Close Window.

    The CAB group is associated with the change category and the change order.

More information:

Change Order and Issue Categories
