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Add a Document Attachment

When working with a knowledge document, you can attach supplemental files or URLs to the document. These supplemental files or URLs provide easy access to additional information related to the knowledge documents. Attached files are stored in a repository.

You use the Attachments tab to manage file and URL attachments in the current document. In documents that are created using the default Built-In Knowledge Document or Built-In Knowledge Tree template, links to attachments display under the "Attachments" heading.

Note: The Attachments tab displays only for published documents. For unpublished documents, the Attachment tab displays Repositories, Files, and Attachments panes, and a list of URLs and files currently attached to the document.

To add a file attachment to a document

  1. Open the document for editing.
  2. Click the Attachments tab.
  3. Enter the URL you want to attach.
  4. Do either of the following:

    The name displays on the Attachments tab.